Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Princess' Feet

When she came to us, Princess Leia had very tender rear feet.  Well, you cannot look at feet you cannot hold up.  Five hours of persistence paid off.  Ryan got a halter on Leia.  But, check her feet?  Not in this lifetime, or so we thought.  Turns out she really is okay with foot checking!  Good thing, too.

Now to schedule a checkup with Roger deChamplain, the farrier.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Luke and the Halter!

Ryan Hopkins, our friend, instructor and trainer, got Luke' halter on him in just about two hours!  Ryan, who is also known as Otter, is a slippery energetic fellow.  He has a way with horses.  Somehow they love him in the end and cannot shake him in the interim.