We have been very busy, there are millions of pictures, but none of them got on line. Princess Leia's feet have healed. She had about 10 abscesses on her right hind foot. Farrier Roger trimmed down the foot, Vet Dr. Joeleen did her magic and after weeks of dressing changes, Princess Leia appears to be almost totally sound of foot now.
Luke is growing fast and cheeky. Both of them are now very friendly, they come up to you hoping to be scratched. That has both its good and bad sides. They are like giant puppies, but giant is the operative word. Plus, it is hard to get work done with them continually wanting to be scratched!
Now they both look like horses, not sticks. No longer to they view us as monsters who want to eat them, but rather family who have food for them. Lots of food, we might add!
Luke and Leia both can be lead around with no problems. Luke in particular is responding to training, do lunging and the like all saddled up with a bridle and all! Both of them are very smart and want to do well.
The Otter, that would be Ryan Hopkins, is doing a great job training them!